Monday, August 16, 2010

Pictures - 18w3d

I thought it was about time for a pregnant belly picture.  It's been 5 weeks since my last one and I don't see much of a change in the pictures.  I feel a lot different, that's for sure!  My tummy is a lot harder than it use to be and it's getting a mind of it's own. . . complete with kicks and tickles!!  I LOVE being able to feel Baby #3 move around. . . it was thumping me during the drive home today.  Which made an awesome ending to a crappy day at work. . . funny how the baby can already make my day happier.

Well I hope you enjoy the pictures! I have to get the kiddos in bed, it's hard because they are playing with the Little People so well together. . .
. . . sorry it's so dark but I didn't want to interupt them by turning on the light!!  LOL

Good night from the Daily House!!