Monday, August 16, 2010

A very productive unproductive day!

That title pretty much says it all.  I haven't done much of anything today!  But on a positive note, my blog looks beautiful and all my pictures are updated!  Yay!  It took me a while but I finally figured out how to make my own Blog Banner. . . it's not a perfect match but it's pretty awesome for my first try.  I hope it doesn't take me three hours next time to do.

On a pregnancy note, Jerry finally got to feel the baby move!  I have been able to feel the movement for a while, but the thumps are getting bigger and harder.  I was messing with the kicks and punches this morning and I got the baby really going.  They are still very weak and Jerry was happy to feel it but he thinks that the baby is going to pay me back one of these days.  I got it moving again for Chloe this afternoon, but she said she couldn't feel it - since she doesn't know what she's feeling for, the baby is going to have to pack quite a punch before she feels it.

Well it's already after midnight and I have to work in the morning.  I HATE the fact that I can't sleep anymore. . . I cannot live on a few hours a sleep.  I'm going to shut the computer down for the night and get a load of laundry done and clean the kitchen - that should make me tired!  I hate laundry.