Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh geez, I have a kindergartener.

Well today was a huge day for Miss Chloe!  She officially became a kindergartener. . .

The morning started off around 6:30am.  Daddy got up and made scrambled eggs before she got up and had them ready for her on the kitchen table when she came downstairs.  She didn't eat much breakfast because she said her belly hurt - I know it was just nerves so we didn't push her to eat all of it.  She was more interested in getting dressed up anyways!!  Ta-Da!!

Since we were ready for school way earlier than we needed to be - she got to watch about 20 minutes worth of cartoons.  We also woke Jacob up this morning with Chloe, so he could see her off to school and say goodbye.  It won't be neccessary to wake him up every morning because her bus stop is just outside our house, in front of the neighbors yard.  And we could see her bus pick up the kids down the road first.  So on cold days she could wait on the porch with Dad until they see the bus and then met the bus at the driveway.  Basically Dad will only be outside for a few minutes. 

 Here we are waiting for the bus #1!
 It's here!  Mommy wanted to cry. . .
 But once Chloe was on the bus, Jacob's face made me laugh! 
He was sad to see her go to school without him, but he was happy to have Mommy and Daddy to himself!!

Once Jacob, Mommy and Daddy were on their own for the day, we had to find something to do!  So we did yardwork on this beautiful, not so hot, over casted, breezing day!  We spent close to two hours mowing, weeding, watering and treating the yard.  After all that fun, Jacob got a bath and then sat and watched cartoons with Daddy the rest of the day, while Mommy cleaned out the refrigerator, folded laundry, and washed the kitchen floor.  Currently, both boys are sleeping. . . and I am patiently waiting on Chloe to get out of school.  :o)

Here comes the bus. . .

Chloe's home!
Chloe really liked school. . . she found her friend Taylor first thing and together they found there classroom.  For those who don't know. . . Taylor and Chloe were in preschool the last two years together and they played T-Ball together this summer.  Taylor is the only little girl that Chloe's knows here in Freeman, so it was nice to have them in the same Kindergarten class.  I know it made it a lot easier on Miss Chloe.  Chloe had a few complaints about her first day of school - mainly because it wasn't exactly like preschool and she didn't get to do everything she wanted.  But she was happy and excited that she could go again tomorrow.

Day 2 started out just the same.  Breakfast, get dressed, do her hair, and wait for the bus to pick her up.  Here's Chloe before her second day of Kindergarten. . .