Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Day.

Monday's are normally horrible around here.  After all, who really likes Monday unless it's a holiday weekend?  However, working in retail, I do not get a holiday weekend.  And since Monday's are really my Friday at work. . . they seem to drag on even longer!!  Especially, when they stop everything at work to have a 40-minute meeting!  Which makes going home 40-minutes later because we still have to finish our jobs. 
So you can tell what my attitude was going into this meeting.  {Blah!}  And you can always tell when the meetings are going to be long because they put out the chairs! 

But yesterday's meeting was just what I needed after the crazy week I've had.  {Stress was just building - Jaxen to the ER a week ago, Still haven't found my energy to move our stuff in the house, Laundry is piling up because every time I do a load of Laundry the toilet downstairs backs up, Jaxen's got to be getting teeth because he's cranky and attached to me 24/7 helping me get nothing done, plus my first 3-day work week since before Christmas - I was hurting come Monday!}  My name was drawn in the safety pot - so I got to play Walmart "Plinko" and I won a free meal for my entire area!  {Now everyone love me!}  And they announced our cost of living raise. . . which you don't get in a store {and if you do, it's only a few pennies at most!} and the DC didn't get one last year.  So it's wonderful that across the board - no matter what your "pay scale" or if you are maxed out - everyone in the DC gets a $0.40 raise.  So that's a collective $0.80 more for Jerry and I.  Which is amazing!  I am also scheduled my 6-month $0.50 raise next month - so in just 6-months at the DC I have gotten a $1.40 in raises and started out making $6.00 more an hour at the DC than the store.  I can't believe the difference it's making.  If I ever doubted my transfer, I certainly don't now.  I definitely did what was right for my family!!

Well I think I finally lost the boys to their bedroom. . . I'm going to see if I can sneak downstairs and get some laundry sorted.  If anyone is still paying attention to this blog - I have updated the Picasa web album. . . I got the November/December 2011 & January 2012 albums uploaded.  I didn't realize I was so behind!