Saturday, January 28, 2012

19w0d Update

I can't believe Wednesday will mark half-way for me on this fourth and final journey. {Half-way is determined by a c-section delivery at 39 weeks - remember, this is the latest that they will let me go.  So in all reality, I could of been half-way last week!  = )}  The time is just flying by and up until this point I {besides the morning sickness, in the beginning} I haven't felt really "pregnant".  I can't say that I really "feel" pregnant, I guess it's more that I can feel my body slowing down.  I get tired and irritated a lot easier.  Simple things can set me off in a snap. . . I'm trying really hard to control it but it seems to be in control before I realize it.  I'm thinking that I just need a day off. . . a day to sleep in, a day to relax, a day with Daddy in charge.  Jerry's starting to feel a lot better.  In fact, he's been able to wean himself down off the medicine, taking more than anything an anti-inflammatory drug to keep the swelling down.  And once our work week is over, Jerry's promised me a much needed day of rest. 

Work is an added stress lately.  I'm still doing my normal duties, which is what I want, but I am slowing down.  I think it's only a matter of weeks now before my secret is out at work. . . = /  Jerry and I are both keeping our eyes out for an open office position or another position with limited lifting.  I would LOVE to stay on the same shift that I am currently on, working the same days as Jerry and home by 3ish.  All I can say is thank goodness I only have to work three days.  This time around I am worried about not being able to work up until delivery.  Jerry and I are starting to look into our benefits to see what is available to us, in case I cannot make it until June.

Hopefully, this week I will get a belly picture up.  My butt's been dragging lately, so you will have to bare with me!  I promise to get with the program soon!