Friday, November 19, 2010

32 weeks pregnant - 7 weeks to go

Just a quick picture update!!  Today I am 32 weeks pregnant, which means 7 weeks from today I will be holding a new baby in my arms - not in my belly!  I'm getting a little excited. . . I'm finally able to see a light at the end of this tunnel!  Here's a pic. . . I know, I look thrilled. . . LOL, forgive a very tired and wore out mama!

Now the belly. . . rumor has it that he's gaining 1/2 a pound a week! 

 Side-by-side comparison at 32 weeks. . . last time vs. this time!

Tomorrow morning we have an appointment at the hospital to get pre-registered at the hospital.  So I'm sure I'll have an update after we get our tour of the labor and delivery department!  :o)