Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nov Dr Appt

Just a quick update on me!  Yesterday was a doctor's appointment. . . on top of an already stressful day because of the looming "Black Friday" approaching fast. . . I had to leave work for a few hours for my appointment.  I gained +2 pounds and my blood pressure good.  But baby is not measuring big enough.  He's officially measuring too small.  Over the last month he's measured consistently smaller than he should.  Which isn't horrible news but it's not good news either.  Of course, this is all measurement that is done from the outside of my belly.  But measuring too small can mean. . . I have low amniotic fluid, baby's just out of room, or it could be he's just laying funny messing up the measurements.

In 3 weeks - December 17th - I will be exactly 36 weeks pregnant.  And that's when they scheduled my next doctor's appointment along with another ultrasound.  If the baby is still measuring too small, we will discuss moving my c-section up.  At 36 weeks the baby is considered full term and the benefits of having him out of my belly, out weigh the risk of keeping him in.  So it looks like we are on course for a December baby!!!  Let's just hope everything is fine and he's healthy. . . I don't mind him coming early, I just want him to be healthy!!