Saturday, July 9, 2011

Girl Scout Camp Part #1

I survived part #1 of Girl Scout Camp!!  Chloe and I had a blast!!  Okay, EVERYONE had a blast.  The girls were not ready to clean up and go home once 3pm rolled around.  They are all super excited to return in two weeks to actually stay the night!  I'm sure that will be a whole other experience but one that I am excited for.  I took as many pictures as I could.  There are several things I missed, like the flag ceremony, because I was part of it. . . not a bystander.  Since I have so many, I'll tell you the highlights in pictures!

Chloe making her very first sit-upon.

Making the sit-upon was the activity that most of the girls were excited about.  Every girl scout must have a sit-upon!!  They all turned out great. See, here's the girls using them. . . :o)

We had 5 out of 7 girls show up to camp, and in all reality Miss Cynthia and I had to get them all there.  Most parents had to work on Friday, which is understandable, but two days before I was calling parents to find out how many girls I would have and majority couldn't come unless they had a ride.  So Miss Cynthia and I squeezed and tugged and got all the equipment and girls into 2 vehicles.  I was a little annoyed with the situation but it was all worth it. . . these girls had fun!!!

Cali, Chloe, Ty, Samara, and Kiarra.

It was interesting, but I FINALLY got the rope in the tree to have a flag ceremony.  Couldn't do it perfectly because we didn't have enough hands but we made it work and the girls enjoyed honoring the flag with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Girl Scout Promise.

This is one of my favorite photos of camp.  So simple and beautiful.

The campsite was awesome.  The weather was suppose to be 88 degrees with a heat index of 94 degrees.  Add in the Missouri humidity and it was suppose to be miserable.  I packed tons of water and ice, I figured I would have a hard time keeping the girls cool.

The campsite was so shaded that none of us broke a sweat.  The only time I got extra warm was when Chloe and I walked all the girls down the hill to meet parents and then back up the monstrous hill.  I got pretty lucky with our campsite.  Check it out. . .

Fire ring
Our camp site. . . :o)
View after walking up the hill, the campsite is behind my car.
Chloe is tired and waiting for me... I was a little slower than her.
For lunch we had hot dogs and chips.  Each girl at 2 hot dogs and a least one bag of chips - if not two!  I used a cool way to start a chemical-free fire with a bag of Doritos and some charcoal.  Lunch was delicious.

And if our campsite wasn't already amazing, it came with a tree house. . .

The girls were ecstatic when they came across the tree house meeting place.  I totally knew it was there the entire time. . . **wink, wink**

After making Sit-Upons, First Aid Kits, and Bandanna's, learning a flag ceremony, the buddy system, rules of camp, and all kinds of FUN. . . the girls DID NOT want to go home.  But alas, it was time to clean up and pack the car.

Another lesson learned. . . A Girl Scout always leaves a place better than the found it!

Overall, me and my girl had an amazing time.

We even had to stop for a train on the way home!!  The train was going a million miles an hour, I was surprised I got this shot!!

July 22nd is our first official overnight trip. . . Be sure to check out all the pictures from camp on my Picasa Web Album.