Saturday, July 9, 2011

Welcome to the family, Brixton!

I just had to post this - many of my friends and family believe in the power of prayer.  And a few more prayers can't hurt. . .

My cousin Faith had her baby this morning, four and a half weeks early because of complications with preeclampsia.  Preeclampsia causes high blood pressure and major swelling.  The only cure for it is the delivery of the placenta.  It is the most common of the dangerous pregnancy complications; it may affect both the mother and the unborn child.

Faith went to labor and delivery at 5:30pm on Thursday for a 24 hour observation.  By noon on Friday they had induced labor and broke her water.  Brixton Keith Jones was born Saturday, July 9th at 3:34am, weighing 4 pounds 9 ounces.

Last I had heard, Faith was in mandatory recovery and couldn't have any visitors for 24 hours.  Brixton went to the NICU and at 1pm - according to Daddy - he's "looking great and doing better".

I ask everyone to please keep their family in your prayers! I know exactly how she's feeling, it's so hard to have your baby in the NICU.  Hopefully, I will post a picture of momma and baby as soon as Faith is feeling better and able to post one!

**Get Well Soon Faith and Lil' Brixton!!**

Fresh off the press. . . Brixton Keith Jones!