Friday, December 17, 2010

Dec 17th - 36 weeks - Birth Story

It all started this morning with an 11:00am Ultrasound. Now, I know I expressed some concern to you guys about why we needed the ultrasound and what we expected from it. And honestly, I wasn't expecting this morning, that 14 hours later I would be sitting here typing out a birth story, in an empty hospital room while my newborn son was locked away in the NICU under constant supervision and my Chloe and Jacob were hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa! I guess, had I known, I would have cleaned the house, did some laundry, did the dishes, etc.

The day started off the same, Jerry got Chloe off to school and let Jacob and I rest a little longer before getting up and getting ready ourselves. Jerry and I figured our days were limited and took full advantage of letting Jerry’s sister watch Jacob while we snuck off to another doctor’s appointment alone. I did not get up in time to get breakfast, I had only made the time to feed Jacob. So on the way to the Doctor’s office, I ate a little cheese and cracker snack. . . you know the kind with the little red stick that you get to spread on your own cheese! And I had a Mt. Dew to drink on the way, because I peed before we left the house and I knew they were going to want a sample from me, so I was trying to replenish the bladder.

We were on time to the appointment and basically went right in to the ultrasound room. The ultrasound showed my healthy baby boy - perfect size, perfect heartbeat, swallowing, full bladder, moving and grooving like crazy! We got the ultrasound on DVD and I have a few pictures of his alien-looking face. Of course, they are nothing compared to what I have now!* The ultrasound tech was calm and nice, telling us that the doctor would talk to us about the low fluid but at the time their was nothing to worry about because he was currently doing great. Jaxen was in the frank breech position again . . . head up, bottom sitting on my pelvic bone, feet and hands on my right side, spine on the left. He was balled up with both his feet and his hands in his face . . . making it hard to see or measure anything. So it was a semi boring ultrasound compare to the last one where I got to see everything individually accessed and the tech did a really good job as to not alarm us. We were totally cool about seeing the doctor, of course, it did give us something to argue about while we waited for the doctor.

Now my doctor's appointment was a slightly scary one . . . Jerry and I joked and argued around about what they were going to say. He thought they were going to pull the plug on me working and I just knew that they would give me at least 4 more days of working so that I could get Walmart through Christmas. But even after we laughed and joked, you could tell from the moment the doctor walked in to our room that there was a lot on her mind and we weren't going to totally like the outcome. Thank goodness we dropped Jacob off with Jerry's sister because we didn't even have time to think of anything but Jaxen in the hour following our ultrasound. Doctor Petelin walked in with her computer and paperwork and went straight to it . . . there was no sugar coating it. My amniotic fluid was at a 3.3 and as far as the doctor was concerned anything under a 5 is a game over. Jaxen's vital signs were good, but the chance of something going bad very fast was high. And way too high for her to risk . . . waiting a day or waiting a week would really get me nowhere. Sure Jax would have time to grow some more and develop his lungs a little longer BUT the longer we waited and if the fluid dropped anymore, the biggest concern is Jaxen could be stillborn. None of us wanted to risk that at all! Dr. Petelin called down to the hospital (St. Luke's East - Lee's Summit) and they were "closed" - the labor and delivery department didn't have the staff to accommodate Jaxen and me – even for observation. So Dr. Petelin had my medical records transferred to another hospital (St. Joseph - Kansas City) and I was to go there immediately. I couldn't even go home and get my bags or get Chloe out of school, Dr. Petelin didn't feel comfortable with anything other than she wanted me hooked up and monitored A.S.A.P! The plan was once I was on the monitors at St. Joe then she would talk to the doctor's here and together they would make a decision based off of what this hospital could do tonight . . . but I was to plan on a c-section today or tomorrow (which was Friday or Saturday).

After getting directions to St. Joe and signing out of the doctor's office, I had to sit down and call my Mom. Thankfully, she was on lunch and I could talk to her on her cell phone and not cause a big huge scene if she was trying to work on the sales floor. I let Mom know that I was getting admitted to the hospital and that it wasn't looking all that great . . . I was going to have to delivery today or tomorrow. And I needed someone here to watch Chloe and Jacob . . . Jerry's sister had Jacob and was able to pick Chloe up from school, so all someone had to do is get Chloe and Jacob from her. Thankfully, Walmart let my parents off work to come to my rescue . . . I love and trust Jerry's sister with my kids and I would have been okay with her keeping them all weekend, but she has 3 kids of her own, adding mine to the mix just seemed mean. Plus Jacob and Chloe had their life change in the matter of moments and it's not unusual that they act out or get moody, it just made more sense that my mom and dad or my sisters had them and they could get some good spoiling time in before Jaxen came into the picture. And in fact, just knowing that they were with Grandma and Grandpa and not ruining Jerry’s sister’s plans, set my mind at easy and I was able to then focus all my attention to Jaxen and myself.

Besides picking up Chloe and Jacob, my parents also stopped by the house and got the things needed for the kids AND all my hospital bags. Everything I needed was at home . . . including my camera!! I'm grateful that I started getting it all together and there were only a few things I had to help mom search for over the phone. Meanwhile, Jerry and I were making calls to family and work and getting hospital paperwork signed and filled out. You would not believe how big of a deal it was that I was pre-registered at one hospital but about to deliver at another! About a million doctors and nurses walked in and out of my room getting things signed and dated and getting the insurance all worked out. My nurse was also allowed to get Jerry and I prepped for surgery. There really was no time wasted. The c-section was originally scheduled for 6pm and as the evening progressed they moved it up and up and up. I was worried that Mom and Dad weren't going to make it in time but about 20 minutes before I was taken back they arrived and I got to see everyone!! (No offence to my parents, but I was glad to see my kids. They were worried about me and Jaxen, but I was able to talk to them and let them know I loved them but I had to get Jaxen out so that the doctor's could make him okay.) Chloe acted like she didn't care and she had her toys, Grandpa and Caleb to play with . . . I know it was her way of dealing. Jacob on the other hand was worried about me. He wanted the IV out, he wanted me to get out of bed, he wasn't happy with me being there. But after hugs and kisses, he went out in the waiting room to play with Grandma and Grandpa.

Just before 5:30pm, I was in the operating room. Jerry was able to come in with me this time . . . he didn't have to wait for me to get the spinal and be ready for surgery. He was with me and held my hand the entire time. Which I needed because I was scared, I was nervous, and I didn't know what to expect . . . Jerry was my rock - keeping me from totally freaking out! As much as I say I rather have a c-section, it's still scary . . . and I hate getting the spinal. And actually this time it took a while before it was set and numbed me. In fact, I could feel quite a bit when they checked the first time, the doctor grabbed me with a tool that has teeth and I cried. So of course, then I was freaking out . . . they guaranteed that they would not start until I was numb and ready. Jerry looked me in the eyes and promised that he'd make sure of it. I'd say about 15 to 20 minutes later, I was finally numb. Although with a spinal you can feel them touching and pressure and pushing but you can't feel any pain, which is an odd feeling. I didn't want to admit to being completely numb because of the first scare and everyone in the room knew it! I just wanted to lie there and cry but Jerry said that if the doctor were grabbing him like that, he'd be in pain and probably crying. So the fact that I wasn't about to come off the table and beat him was a good sign. . . so they proceeded with the surgery. *And now, I can see on my skin where they were grabbing and where they left scratches on me that was bleeding! I guess it’s the price I pay for the reassurance! *

I was watching the clock, especially as they got closer to getting him out. (I knew because of the play-by-play Jerry was giving me) At 6:14, Jaxen was out and crying . . . the surgeon picked Jaxen up above the curtain so I could see his face and the nurses whisked him away. About that time, Jerry started to get really hot and sweaty, and I really thought he was going to pass out. However, he swears he wasn't . . . the nurse got an ice-cold washcloth and made him sit for a minute. Once he cooled off, the drug doctor walked over with Jerry (incase he passed out, he was the only guy in the room that could pick him up if he did! Plus all the nurses were busy with Jaxen and me) so that he could get some pictures. *Come to find out, it was the mask that was making Jerry warm and funny feeling. With Chloe and Jacob he had a paper one that was easy to breathe through but this time it was the thick one that just circulates the old air . . . once he was able to remove the mask, he was 100% better. It was kind of like being claustrophobic. Now we know . . . *

The nurses talked to Jerry about Jaxen while I was getting put back together. When they finally came over to me, Jerry sat down and got to hold Jaxen for a few moments while they filled me in on what was going on. Jaxen was breathing on his own, but he was using everything he had to do so. If you watched his little belly it sucked in and out really fast and you could tell he was using all his muscles. So they were going to take him into the NICU and get some oxygen on him to help him breathe. Jerry stayed with me and the nurses went with Jaxen to get him settled in . . . after surgery I had a 2 hour recovery before they wheeled me back to my room. And they promised to stop by the NICU on the way to my room so I could see Jaxen. *While putting me back together, the doctor's never seen a tear or leak in my placenta, so there was any amniotic fluid escaping. (They were sending it for biopsy) I just wasn't making enough... which is a sign my "OLD" placenta was wearing out. Which is funny to me because each kid has their own placenta... how can it be old?!?! But they kept saying, "due to my old placenta". LOL*

Once I was in the recovery room Jerry left to talk to our family and tell them what was going on and that we wouldn't be able to hold Jaxen tonight because he needed some extra support. My Mom, my Dad, both my sisters, Caleb and kids were waiting to see Jaxen (& me) . . . of course, it wasn't the same but the nurses did open the blinds and they got to see Jaxen though the glass window of the NICU. And they all got to come in and see me once I was back in my room . . . it was late and they couldn't stay too long, my kids still needed feed and put to bed. Plus I needed the rest. I didn't get too much sleep because every hour the nurse was in checking on me and taking my vitals. Kind of annoying but I understood. . .

Introducing Mr. Jaxen Daily