Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday. . .

**Trying a new thing around here.  A lot of the blogs that I read participate in "Wordless Wednesday's".  Basically, Wordless Wednesday is all the makings of a normal blog posting without all my yakking.  LOL.  I'll post a picture that is pretty self explanatory - depending on the picture it might or might not have a short explanation.**  

I love family time!!  Here's what we did after dinner tonight. . . the kids had a blast and Mommy & Daddy got to show off some skills!  :o)  We spent hours together, no TV, no crying, no fighting but TONS of laughing!!!

Trio's Wizard's Castle
Trio's Construction Building Set
Chloe built this one by herself!!!

Trio's King's Gatehouse
Trio's Airport Tower
Trio's Police Station
We also built a Fire station but the camera batteries died before the  picture saved.  These little blocks are called Trio's and they are made by Fisher Price.  Jacob loves them, they are much easier than Lego's for him.  I say they are a must for all little boys!!  Heck!, they are fun for the whole family!