Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shopping for Christmas

So I totally took a 4 day weekend off from work.  I am so proud of myself.  Walmart tried very hard to talk me into giving them back at least one day of my weekend, and I stood my ground!  And let me tell you, it's been a very fun, very accomplished, very expensive, and very much NEEDED couple of days. . . and it's not even half over with!!

Thursday we woke up kinda late.  Late enough that Jerry and Chloe were running around here freaking out about missing the school bus.  I finally said enough running around, she needs to eat breakfast, get dressed warm and I wanted to actually do her hair - since I hardly ever get to.  So I suggested that we take her to school so that Jerry and I could talk to the office and teacher about what's going to happen if I have this baby while she is at school.  I just wanted the personal knowledge that they knew who could and would pick her up.  Heck, I've never done this before and I really want to make sure they know that this baby could come anytime now and I wanted to make sure all the right people were on her pick-up list on file with the office.  Chloe is ready and knows what to expect, and has a clue as to the people that would come and get her but I need to know that if she's already on the bus, the bus driver will let her off at the house if it's someone that they don't recognize.  (And of course, they assured me that as long as Chloe recognized who was waiting for her at the bus stop they would let her off.  And if we know ahead of school letting out, if we call the school office, they won't even put her on the bus. . . the person picking her up will have to go to the school and show ID to get her.  Which is a little over board, but totally okay with me.)  I should have no worries about Chloe if it all "happens" while she's at school.  I have a couple local friends and family listed on the pick up list, and they know I might be calling!  And if it doesn't happen before the 7th of January, I just have to send a note with Chloe to school letting them know that she won't be at school on that Friday and Monday or who will be looking after her and getting her on and off the bus on Monday.  So we (& the school) are prepared if that complication arises!

After we got done at the school - Jerry, Jacob, and I went Christmas shopping.  Another HUGE worry on my mind was what happens if this baby comes and I'm not done with Christmas.  You know, Santa comes whether or not the baby does!  So Jerry and I went to Target, Walmart, and a couple other stores and pretty much finished up our major shopping.  Spent a LOT of money, but got a lot of good deals and I am okay with Christmas coming now.  Lol, all that's left to do is wrap it all!

After we got home and unloaded (& hid) the Christmas presents, Chloe got home off the bus and we were out of here again!  This time to grocery shop.  Another one of my crazy pregnancy worries (I have a lot of them, I know!!) is that my cupboards were empty when this baby arrives and it would be hard to keep up with a new baby and groceries (money-wise) with only one of us working.  So (thank goodness for Jerry's bonus) we went to Sam's Club and stocked up, then we went to Walmart to finish up the little things we couldn't get at Sam's Club.  I won't even lie, we spent another crap load of money (over $400), but my house is stocked with groceries that will last us MONTHS and it was needed!!  My cupboards are full and my deep freezer is packed!  And I have extras on hand of laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, and sodas.

It was pretty late when we got home, just had time to feed the kids, put everything away, clean the kitchen and then start getting the kids ready for bed.  Since it was a school night, kids went to bed pretty good - I think they were exhausted from shopping!  Jerry and I were then able to wrap a lot of the Christmas presents that we bought.  (Yay!  One step closer.)  We still have some more to do, but my back started to hurt sitting on the floor and bending over a pile of wrapping paper, scissors, and tape!

So just Thursday alone, eased my mind of 2 major things I've been stewing over!  Christmas and groceries. . . I'm a happy camper!