Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jaxen's Dr. Appt.

Today was Jaxen's follow up doctor's appointment.  When we came home from the hospital, Jaxen needed a follow up with our pediatrician 3-5 days later - today was day 5.  Can you believe he's been home for 5 days?!  It seems longer to me, but I am absolutely cherishing every minute of it... I can rock and stare at him for hours.  It's all so unreal, what we went through in the NICU, the fact that he isn't even due yet, and the fact that I could have lost him completely.  Remembering back a week ago is hard, it was hard to just sit back and pray.  There was nothing else I could do.  And now, I can do it all... he needs me to thrive.  Everything has come full circle, from our greatest joy to our darkest moments.  In one of my darkest moments, when it was killing me to just sit around and wait, I remember a wise person telling me - That "this is not the last time in his life; I'm sure, that he will be out of your hands and all you can do is pray.  Just be sure he's in great hands when you do pray!!".  This friend will never know exactly how much those simple words helped me cope... and I'm sure they will end up being 100% true.  Look how far we've come in a week... I'm sure this little guy has a lot more up his sleeve.

The doctor told us what we already knew today. . . Jaxen is 100% perfect.  All the issue that he had a week ago are gone, with some time they worked themselves out completely.  The doctor had no concerns about him, Jaxen's next appointment is at 2 months old.  Unless I have questions or issues that come up between now and then, the next time Jaxen is seen he will start getting his shots.  :-(  This morning, Jaxen weighed in at 6 pounds 6 ounces (which is only in the 8% compared to other babies his age) and he was 19 1/2 inches long (which puts him in the 28% compared to other babies his age).  So he's gained a little weight - not much - but he's gotten taller!! 

After the doctor's appointment, we ran a few errands - the bank to make a house payment and to Walmart to get some groceries.  It was after 1pm when we got home and ate lunch.  Since then Jaxen has been sleeping and Chloe and Jacob have been watching Monster's Inc. and playing nicely with Jacob's Trios.  Hopefully, they can continue to play nicely while I finish up the towel and blankets (All that's left from yesterday's Mountain of Laundry)!

'Til next time!!  :o)