Friday, December 24, 2010

Dec 22nd & 23rd - 5 & 6 days old

I know I'm a little behind because of the excitement happening around the house lately, but I don't want to leave you hanging on anything that's happened the last few days, so this will be short and sweet.  I've written everything down in my little journal and I will share as much as I can!

The morning started out GREAT!  Our morning call to the NICU was not what I was expecting that morning.  I was told that they had a room for me in the hospital to spend the night and room in with Jaxen.  I was to bring my diaper bag, car seat and a bag for me.  If he did good that night, the next morning he would be released!

And of course, after hearing that news I was bouncing off the walls!  But it was Chloe's last day of school before Christmas break and it was her Christmas party day.  So I had a long wait before I could jump in the car and see my baby!  So to keep ourselves busy, Jerry re-installed the car seats differently, because Chloe wasn't able to buckle herself with the way we installed the seats the first time, he hung posters in both the kids' rooms - it's been needing done for a while, and he fixed the bathroom curtain for me!  I did the laundry, dishes, cleaned our bedroom and the entry room.  I made phone calls to the pediatrician to find out when Jaxen could be seen after his release, short term disability company to start my benefits, my doctor's office for my follow up appointment and I packed my bags to spend the night with my boy!

Once Chloe was home and we finished up the loose ends around the house, we were off to the hospital.  We had to stop by the bank for some money and Walmart to refill my phone.  Around 5pm, I checked into the hospital for the night with Jaxen.  Chloe and Jacob got to meet and hold their little brother for the first time.  It was a happy moment for us all!  Joanna and Caleb also stopped by the hospital to get their hands on Jaxen!  We hung out for a while and then everyone left around 8pm, leaving just me and Jaxen for the night.

I was up with Jaxen every 3 hours, he had to be fed at 5pm, 8pm, 11pm, 2am, 5am, 8am, and 11am.  I questioned the scheduled feedings because Chloe and Jacob were both demand feeders.  And they told me that because he is so small, we wake him up to feed every 3 hours, as he gets a few more pounds on him we move to 4 hour feedings and then I can move to demand feedings if we want.  Anyways, at 9pm the nurse came and took Jaxen and my car seat beck to the NICU for a car seat assessment.  During the assessment, Jaxen was strapped into his car seat for one hour and his breathing was monitored, since he is so little and sits in a slumped position.  He did not have to pass this test to go home, but if he failed it, he would sent home in a car bed instead of a car seat.  But we didn't have to worry about that because he passed the car seat test and his hearing test!

At the 2am feeding, the nurse came back to get Jaxen to do his discharge assessment.  During this assessment, they checked his vitals and whatnot's and made sure he gained some weight.  He had to gain something before he could be released - and he did!!  He weighed in at a tiny 5 pounds 13 ounces during his discharge.  So once they got that all done, the only things we were waiting on was the doctor to make his rounds and put the official stamp of approval on the discharge papers AND we had to wait for the pediatrician to come by and do his circumcision.  All of which were done by 1:15pm - and Daddy, Chloe and Jacob were on the way to pick us up!!

Jaxen is such a good baby. Basically all he does is sleep and you wake him up to change his diaper and feed him.  Only thing I have to watch is Jaxen's temperature, it can drop really fast.  No naked baths until he gains a few pounds.  How ever we are dressed, he needs to have one layer more because he is so skinny and has virtually no fat!

On the way home we had to stop by Walmart to grab a few things!  I needed baby hats and formula.  Walmart was so busy and I wasn't feeling all that skippy after being up all night so I didn't get to finish all my Christmas shopping like I wanted, I hope my family understands!  I have something small for everyone, but not what I was planning, but once again, Jaxen like to change my plans!